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Oldgrowth Specklebelly

Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis

Status: Special Concern

Factors that put Oldgrowth Specklebelly into an endangered state is the amount of forests logging that happens. As a result it contributes to its on going rarity in its natural ecosystem.

Species at Risk



Redwood Tree and the Spotted Owl

Redwood trees often provide a good shelter for the Spotted Owl.


Lichens and Algae

Fungal make up most of the Lichen and surround the harbor of algae. This protects the algae from sunlight and from dying up in the environment.

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Pyramid of Energy



The trees located in the coastal forest consist of trees that have needles. This helps them adapt to the temperature and shorter daylight hours in the winter as they remain green and keep their foliage which helps them with photosynthesis during the year.

Leaves on the trees


Similar to the last description, trees in the coastal forest have adapted by growing bark around to not only protect from the outbreak of fungus but also to keep the inner core away from the cold

Hard bark outside

Invasive Species


English Ivy

Ever green, vine that is most common to be found climbing trees, fences, walls and hillsides. It originates from Europe and came into North America around the 18th century. It is often associated with land disturbance


White Pine Blister

Accidentally introduced into North America in the 1900's. Now causes serious damage to the white pine trees which have little genetic resistance.

Typical plants

Amabilis fir

A tall, straight tree with a dense cone shaped crown. It can reach up to 50 meters when mature. The needles have blunt ends and are arranged in flattened, spray like branches. The bark is pale grey and becomes scaly (Dry and flaking) with age. The Amabilis fir thrives the maritime climate, where it is common in moist forest on deep, well drained soil.


Yellow Cedar

A medium-sized tree, up to 24 meters tall and 90 centimeters in diameter; has broad grooved trunk that spread out widely at the base. The leaves are a scale-like, dark, bluish green and slender with sharp points. They are commonly found in the west of Coast mountains. It thrives deep, slightly acidic, moist soils

Western Skunk Cabbage

A plant mostly found in swamps and red woods, along streams and in other wet areas. The plant is often called skunk cabbage because of the distinctively “skunky” odor that it emits when it blooms. The Western Skunk Cabbage is also used as medicine for burns and other injuries.

Planting Boxes

By Cam Ancell


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